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S. S. services carrying on the business of collection storage transportation process disposable biomedical waste treatment plant was formed on 17 February 2003.

 has allotted tender by Kolhapur municipal corporation for collection storage transportation and disposable of biomedical waste

Letter of acceptance given by commissioner of Kolhapur municipal corporation on 10th February 2015


We cater bedded health care are 370

Non bedded health care are 712

We collect bio medical waste 1000 to 1200 Kg/day Approx and Incinerated 800 to 900Kg/day 

Our new incineration machine has capacity of 250Kg/Hr (Operational Capacity/Day is 4500Kg/Day). 

Licenses & Certificates

We have obtained State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (EC) on 24th June 2020

 SEIAA-STATEMENT -0000001914

 Consent to Operate by MPCB

RED/M.S.I/UAN No.MPCB-CONSENT-0000152807/CO/2303002508

 Till 31-03-2026

 Area Jurisdiction allotted by MPCB for the Bio medical waste collection:- Karveer, Gaganbawada, Bhudargad, Radhanagari, Kagal Gramin Talukas and Kolhapur Municipal corporation area

 For Bio medical waste collection and transportation in our justification we have dedicated seven vehicles having separate compartments.


Since 16th October 2020 we are operating at R. S. No. 206 S. S. No. 29 near drainage plant, kasaba Bawada Kolhapur.

Licenses, Certificates, Reports

Consent for 250 Kg

EC sanction 24 june 2020

CPCB Certificate

Rate Chart

MEPL Certificate

Your trusted partner in biomedical waste management in Kolhapur!​

Contact : Contact Person - Mr. Sagar  Jadhav (Manager)



R S No 206 CS.92/29/A,

E Ward Kasaba Bawada,

Near Drainage Plant, Behind Circuit House,

Kolhapur . 416003

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